Committed to comebacks.

Committed to comebacks.

We create brighter futures for injured people, and safer workplaces for all.

From setback to comeback, we help people get back to work and back to their best as efficiently as possible.

We view setbacks as just the starting point for a great comeback. And everyone loves a comeback story – no one more than the person going through it... That’s what we love. And that what motivates us every day – to help people recover, get back to work and ultimately discover more than they ever thought they were capable of.

Our services ensure their comeback is greater than the setback.

We are
straight talking,
hard working,
innovative thinking,
problem solving.

We improve health outcomes for people and workplaces. Rocket Rehab is a clinical consulting firm specialising in occupational rehabilitation and work health & safety services. Our experienced allied health professionals assess, implement and evaluate return to work and safety solutions.

A team to help you reach new heights.

We are a specialised, collaborative team focused on optimal outcomes for injured people, employers and insurers.