
We also offer additional programs as outlined below.

Progressive Goal Attainment Program (PGAP)

Progressive Goal Attainment Program (PGAP) is a newly developed evidence-based program that helps to prevent or reduce the severity of disability associated with musculoskeletal conditions, depression, and other chronic health conditions or injuries.

It aims to reduce psychosocial barriers to rehabilitation, promote re-integration into activities, increase quality of life and facilitate return to work.

Our consultants offer this service either in-person or via video, depending on the needs of individuals in regional and rural areas.

OT Mental Health Intervention

We offer specialist occupational therapy mental health intervention services in-person to help improve function, productivity, and capacity.

After conducting an Activities of Daily Living (ADL) assessment, our occupational therapists (OT’s) provide personalised, graded exposure interventions using practical tasks and activities. These interventions are aimed at developing and improving productivity, life skills, recreation, and social skills.

These services are available to injured individuals who struggle to implement coping or pacing techniques. They may face challenges in maintaining certification for pre-injury or suitable duties and often return to being certified unfit for work due to underlying home, life, or social barriers.

Our OTs collaborate with the injured person to establish key goals, with the objective of enhancing their independence and function. This helps them reconnect with vocational rehabilitation and creates a pathway for returning to work.